I believe God gives us exactly what we ask for and then laughs His head off.
I believe God should have been made in the image of George Carlin.
I believe to be happy in life you need to know and accept the two indisputable truths - life can be a bitch and shit happens.
I believe living life is like walking a tight rope with the balancing pole growing shorter as the years pass.
I believe the man who wished for the world and got it has nothing more to live for, unless he has the courage to go on and wish for a star.
I believe the theory that if an employee is indispensable, fire him should be extended to life as well.
I believe I'm searching for something but don't quite know what.
I believe tough times make you both stronger and softer.
I'm back from my long sabbatical from blogging. All that I've mentioned above could be interpreted in several ways. It's left that way on purpose.